mEEt thE AuthoR oF WARTIDE
Shawgin has always been an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy. He loves Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Game of Thrones, Indiana Jones, Dragonlance, Brothers Grimm, and more.
This led him to a strong interest in mythology, lore, religions, and history to tie it all together. After diving deep into the stories and histories of countless cultures, he decided it was time to give something back in the form of the WARTIDE Universe.
A liFE FoR thE Books
There is more to Shawgin than being a sci-fi/fantasy author and a published cover artist. He is a combat veteran who took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has traveled to myriad places and has been to over 30 countries.
He has explored the Earth, and now invites you to explore the rest of the galaxy with him.
ShAWgin's PERsonAl liFE
He was born in Fort Worth, Texas on March 4, 1984, and was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Surrey, England. Over the years, he has worked in many fields, from the service industry to servicing nuclear plants, painting houses to painting book covers, driving trucks to driving contractors.
Currently, he is a single father who works as an industrial radiographer.

sEnD ShAWgin A mEssAgE
Shawgin is always open to hearing his readers’ thoughts and comments about his work. If you have any questions or suggestions, reach out to him today. He’d love to read your messages.