

This first installment in the series dives deep into the immersive Wartide Universe from page one. Experience the Milky Way alongside a disparate group of characters as they navigate a growing galactic conflict, each trying to find their place, thrive, or simply hope to survive. U.S. Trade Hardcover

Additional information

Weight 1.45 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 1 in




2 reviews for Wartide: Latent Command

  1. Ross B

    Hello, i have read pretty much every iteration of this book. They have all been good, but, have progressed to great over the years. If you like sci-fi, this is the read you have been looking for.

  2. Kevin

    Came across this one recently. It is a very nice space opera with a good group of characters. The battle scenes are fun and detailed. I can see this being an interesting series and I will be looking forward towards the second novel.

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